Saturday, August 30, 2008

Remote Control-the robotics model

Click the picture for a bigger view.

One of the finest efforts to date in applied mathematics and science continues with the superb engineering effort that manages the team of robots on Mars. It reminds us that our classrooms are really much bigger than the space in which we sit. See the silent 1:34 min video clip of images taken by the Spirit robot. The great classroom materials that can connect students with this major STEM agenda can be found at:

Authenticity and relevance to classroom learning comes from the real world around us. NASA's Mars team provides an interesting model by which areas beyond the immediate observation of people in a classroom can be used for exploration and experimentation. Some examples would include: animal studies, microscope experiments, assistance in measuring and collecting data on public initiatives (cleaning up streams and the air), home management and agriculture. What others comes to mind? 

Several communication technologies are readily available for bridging the remote distance between a classroom computer and a remote robot, including Blue Tooth (short distance), wi-fi (up to a couple of miles with advanced tools) and cell phones (real long distance). Other robotics design in addition to Lego Robotics are available, such as Vex designs and Vex competitions (youtube scenes). But the curriculum development work and the lesson plans are in early stages of development and maturation. Opportunity for innovative teacher leadership awaits.


Bio-medical engineering said...

plz tell me if we upload images on blog then is there is any realibity for how much longer that image's keep save in this blog site??

plz kindely ansewr me at my address

Bio-medical engineering said...

well i am making a blog site for study in bio-medical engg aspect so i am posting a lot of theories about bio-medical , i want to make a on-line free guide for student in bme, but i am worried about that question which arising in my mind that if i post all the topic which are touch in bme as in the form of images (which is quite easy for me) to blogger then after 10 years is this my pic on blogger will keep in there same form or it will be garbage form ?